Our fleet consists of modern and specially adapted vehicles equipped with state-of-the-art wheelchair accessibility features.

Taxi Ramp and supports

We have taken every measure to make our taxis fully accessible, including ramps, wide entrances, and secure wheelchair restraints.

Small Taxi with rear ramp


Number of PassengersMax 3 passengers
AccessVia ramp at side or rear of vehicle
Perfect forShopping trips and shorter journeys
Medium taxi with rear ramp


Number of Passengers1 wheelchair + 4 seated passengers
AccessVia ramp at the rear of the vehicle
Perfect forShopping & appointments and long distance trips
Large 8+ seater taxi with ramp


Number of PassengersMax 8 Passengers*
AccessRear hydraulic ramp / retractable side step
Perfect forLong distances, Contract Hire, Larger Groups

*Seating configuration can be changed to suit requirements. Eg, 5 standard wheelchairs or 4 motorised + 3 seated passengers

We offer a range of vehicle types to suit different requirements.
If you don’t see exactly what you’re looking for then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.